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9 Critical Signs You are Not Ready to Sell Your Home

Selling a house is exciting and scary at the same time. Like buying your first home, it is one of the major decisions you will ever face in life. Buyers even have a lot of options. They explore the marketplace before finally deciding which property to buy, somehow making them expert buyers. Do not commit the mistake of neglecting important repairs and your possible emotional roller coaster that can hinder a successful sale.

 Here are 9 warning signs you are not ready to sell your home:

  1. Noticeable clutter

The first impression matters. Keep your stuff in a box and hide it in the storage room. Make buyers feel that they can move into your house immediately. Scan your home and remove things that do not make it hospitable.

  1. Grubby kitchen

Keep the kitchen spotless. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyers who would visit your home. Your appliances may not be new, but make sure they aren’t rusty. Repaint cabinets if needed and change the lights. Nobody wants a dirty and dysfunctional kitchen.

  1. Messy rooms

Potential buyers will find it hard to imagine living in a chaotic house. Thus, every room should be neat. Ingeniously rearrange your furniture and ornaments to avoid a mess. You can also eliminate useless pieces to make the rooms appear bigger and organized.

  1. There is a need for renovation

Do not ignore things that are obviously broken. If you see anything that needs immediate repair, do not neglect it. Fix the loose doorknobs, clear rain gutters, and patch noticeable holes in the walls. Do a walk-through of your home and list what needs renovation.

  1. Obvious signs of pets

A chewed chair leg is a giveaway that you own a pet. While there is nothing wrong with that, you have to ensure that it does not ruin a viewing. Also, free your home from pet hair. Do a general cleaning before you list your property, if possible.

  1. You have nowhere to go

Do you know where to move when your house gets sold? Have a game plan. It is best to know where you will transfer than be left baffled by the problem of not knowing where to go next. Secure a new home.

  1. You do not have peace

Are you sure you are ready to sell your house? If you can’t answer “yes” instantly and confidently, you might not be ready yet. Look at your home as a product when you have finally decided to sell it. Let the decision be greater than your emotion.

  1. Future plans are not yet attainable

So, you want to sell your home and move to a new city or house? Maybe get a new job where you desire to transfer? Great plans! However, do you have a concrete plan on how to turn those goals into reality? If everything is already possible, go ahead and pursue your objectives; if not, you might want to delay selling and work on achieving your future plans for the meantime.

  1. Unacquainted with the real estate industry

Whether you are a first-time home seller or not, you do not comprehensively understand how the industry runs like real estate professionals. They know how to competitively price your property, market it in effective ways, and prepare necessary documents. Putting your property out in the market is hard. You need to be guided by brokers so you won’t get off track. Do not do it alone, unless you actually know what you are doing.

Do not ignore even the faintest hint that your house is not yet ready to hit the market. Come to terms with your emotions, do necessary fixings, and consult a professional before you decide to sell.

Do you know other warning signs you are not ready to sell your home? Share them with us in the comments section.

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