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Why Your Property Listing’s Photos Matter

In real estate, first impression matters; thus, photos in listings matter. Almost every house for sale is now accessible via the internet unlike during the last few decades when people drove by homes for sale, browsed newspapers, and went to open houses. Millennials are not the only ones who use the internet to search for houses; today, almost everyone – no matter the generation they belong to – takes advantage of technology to find their next home. Ultimately, they look at the photos before proceeding to the next phase of the sales process which is contacting the seller.

Photos offer a virtual tour of your house

Without photos, it gives potential buyers a hard time if they should consider viewing your property or not. Photos offer them a virtual tour of your home and set their expectations before the viewing. In fact, 83% of all home buyers want to see pictures of the property online. To improve the experience of the tour, you can opt to upload photos in logical order.

Buyers look for property photos

A home listed without photos is a waste of time. Moreover, photos make a good impression. It helps potential buyers decide whether they should contact you or not. The probability that they will disregard your listing is higher when it is on the same page with listings that have photos. The property photos are what buyers want to see first – if not the property price – when they browse online.

There are websites that do not accept listings without photos

Potential buyers look for quality listings. Many property portals do not accept listings that do not have quality photos. Before you start entering the details of the property you wish to upload, take photos of it. Save yourself from the hassle of uploading a property only to find out that the portal rejected it due to lack of pictures.

How do I take quality photos?

Using a DSLR camera is preferable; however, if your phone can take quality photos, you may use it. As long as the photos you take are bright and engaging, your listings are good. Never upload dark and blurred photos. After you shoot a space, ask yourself, “Do these pictures make me want to view this house?” Alternatively, you can hire a professional real estate photographer or ask a property portal if they can shoot your property. Some online brokerage firms offer free photography services for high-end properties; it is best if you contact them directly.

If you plan to take photos of your property on your own, you can utilize mobile applications or software to enhance their quality.

Do not list your home if you do not have photos of it yet. Your listing will not stand out unless it has quality photos. Also, before you take photos, ensure that the spaces of your property are organized and attractive. Pictures will not instantly guarantee a closed deal, but it will certainly give you inquiries.

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