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12 DIY Christmas Decor Ideas for Your Condo

Trying to figure out how to decorate your condominium unit with limited space? Are you on a tight budget?

You don’t need to worry; you only need creativity and some materials you can usually find at home.

Check out these awesome do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas to make your Christmas celebration unique and economical!


  1. Rustic Wall Christmas Tree

It’s time to make use of your old and rustic home decors to create an adorable Christmas tree on your wall! This idea will surely save you space and money during Christmas season.

Old plates and ceramic ornaments may be used for your Christmas tree on the wall. Source: pinterest.com


  1. Classy Wine Bottle-Christmas Tree

Opaque glass bottles can be a great material for a unique Christmas tree since it would give an elegant effect of emitting the lights from your set up.

Keep your wine bottles for a year and you can create a glorious Christmas tree at home! Source: pinterest.com


  1. Customized Wall Christmas Tree

Create a fun Christmas tree on your wall made of colorful stuff from your home including polished picture frames with photos of your family members.

Customize your decor ideas – provide a feminine touch on your decors through colors and designs. Source: pinterest.com


  1. Minimalist Christmas Tree

Gather materials made of wood from your home to create your own Christmas tree instead of just buying an artificial one. How about a tripod look of a Christmas tree? It can provide a more homey feel this season!

This minimalist Christmas tree peg creates an illusion of more space without compromising the joyful vibe of the season! Source: pinterest.com


  1. Christmas Tree Made of Branches

Keep tree branches which you may use to create this type of masterpiece! Embellish the wood with simple and handmade decors to create a grand look.

Just look at how this simple set up can exude elegance inside your home. Source: pinterest.com


  1. Popsicle Snowflakes

Indulge in sophisticated snowflake designs on your wall just by using Popsicle sticks! You may also experiment on other colors such as red and gold or use glitters for that shimmering effect.

Popsicle sticks can be useful to make creative designs on your wall. Source: unsophisticook.com/
  1. Christmas Vases

Be thankful for those overly large glass vases and containers you got from your mom, they can be used to provide for an extravagant yet minimalist Christmas decors!

Just look for colorful Christmas balls and keep them inside large and transparent jars or vases to create that Yuletide season vibe!


  1. Snowman Bottle Caps

Don’t throw those bottle caps yet! Check out these adorable snowman ornaments and see if you can create other Christmas characters.

You can’t help but gush over these funky snowman decors made of, yes, bottle caps! Source: pinterest.com


  1. Snowman Tires

Don’t get tired of your tires! Keep them and reuse to make a snowman! Aside from saving money to spend on decorations, you can help save the environment in your own little way.

Check out this wonderful creation which you may put at the corner of your living room or at the porch to welcome guests. Source: pinterest.com


  1. Plastic Snowman

Plastic cups from your house parties will not go to waste, they can be used to make a fascinating snowman!

Snow man is not just made of snow, look at plastic cups man! Source: pinterest.com


  1. Snowman Fridge

Another clever idea to save you space and time. You don’t even need a tiny amount of space on this one, you may store all the food inside for the holidays and have an enormous snowman inside your abode at the same time!

Creating a snowman fridge is not just practical, it is cute! Source: pinterest.com


  1. Christmas on Bottles

Another idea not inside but on a bottle! Santa, snowman, or a reindeer, name it and you can make your own characters using your household bottles!

All you need is a little creativity. You can even create bottle decors based on each of your family members! Create personalized bottle characters.


What are you waiting for? Bring out those scissors, glue and other tools for your crafty lifestyle. Enjoy Christmas without breaking the bank and showcase your creative prowess through your Christmas works of art!

Do you have other remarkable Christmas DIY decor ideas? Share it with us and comment below!

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