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Eco Solutions for a Better Smelling Home

Everyone wants their home to smell good and inviting to people. And all of our homes do have a certain smell, our smell, but we are used to it and we do not feel it. Some people just want their homes to have a certain smell of their favourite flower, fruit or just something woodsy. Some people want to have a way to keep their home smelling nice and cover the fact that they have a pet.

Many people resolve to using expensive air fresheners that are automatic and disperse the scent on their own, some people rather have a ton of aromatic candles all over the house, some prefer using aerosols, etc. Everyone has their own preference as for how to keep their home smelling nice.

But of all of the above mentioned the only good option is candles. And still they have some bad sides, as to some candles’ ingredients are not only nice things but some contain other chemicals that should not be in your home.

You must know that there is a huge difference between a natural smell and the smell your personal choice of air freshener has. Nothing could ever replace nature’s smells and scents but there is a way you can incorporate real nature and natural products into making your home feel fresher and have a nice scent.

One of the easiest and cheapest ways, of course, is to keep your windows open. Let real natural and fresh air, scented from the nearby trees or flowers into your home and let the air circulate so it is not stale and heavy.

Then, of course, the other way, since in the winter you cannot keep your windows open – get plants. The more potted plants you have in your home the fresher the air will be.

These are the most natural ways to keep your home smelling nice. But of course, there is an alternative which still allows you to use natural things… I am talking of course about essential oils and herbs. These magical ingredients, if used properly, can make your entire home smell of your favourite aromas.  

What is the first and easiest thing you can do to freshen the air in your home and give it a nice smell is to make an aromatic diffuser? Sound hard to do? Well, it is not. All you need to do is boil some water and add eucalyptus essential oil and another oil that you love the smell of. This will purify the air and disperse the nice smell.

Another major component of making your home smell fresh all of the time is to make sure that your carpets are not smelly. If your carpets are stinky your entire room or home will have the same unpleasant smell. Luckily for you, here you will find out what you can do in this case. Since it is not sensible at all to be constantly washing your carpet in depth, all you will need to do is deodorise it to remove its unpleasant smell.

For this purpose – mix baking soda and dried crushed herbs of your choice. Rosemary, mint, lavender, whichever scents you like, use them in your mixture. Dream Carpet Cleaners Killburn says you can also add essential oils to the powder but only use a few drops. Mix all ingredients in a small jar and leave them overnight. The next day you will already have an all-natural cleaning product to deodorise and refresh your carpets with. Sprinkle it on your carpet and vacuum it off after 20 minutes. The baking soda will have killed the bad smell and the herbs and oils will have given the carpet a fresh scent.

What else you can do, but you will need a lot of time and ingredients to make yourself air fresheners with essential oils. There are many kinds – candles, gels, sprays, etc.

You can still pick and choose what air fresheners you make on your own and give your home a real and natural smell.

About the author:

Nicole Gardiner is a full-time working mom, owner of an after tenancy cleaning agency. She is interested in home management and organization.

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