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Top 18 Annoying Condominium Neighbors You’ll Ever Meet

Neighbors. We’ve all had them, the good and unfortunately, the annoying ones. Having an annoying neighbor move next door is close to a nightmare, isn’t it? What more if there’s a bunch of them?

It’s hard to appreciate your beautiful new home if the wrong kind of people live next door. Annoying neighbors’ habits can range from simply bothersome and inconsiderate to downright dangerous.

Here are 18 types of annoying neighbors you need to watch out for:

  1. The Borrower

At first, this neighbor will be all impressed with your home and may seem very friendly and harmless.  They show up at your doorstep and will politely ask to borrow something, maybe a salad bowl or vacuum cleaner, and being a good neighbor you happily loan whatever it may be. But they will see this as a golden opportunity to borrow whatever they may need from you and often times will borrow without asking. The sad part is they will often return items damaged or worse, not at all.

  1. The Gossip Specialist

A friendly chat about the latest trend in fashion is one thing, but telling everyone on the block about who might be having an affair is another. They spread news faster than the speed of light, with little or no truth at all. They pretend to be your BFF but they are actually fishing for information about you to reveal to their next victim.

  1. The Rock Band

The number one complaint in a condominium is probably noise and people trying to find their niche in music fall in this category. There’s nothing more torturous to the ears than listening to bad singing or band wannabes playing their chords over and over in full blast. They don’t even care if they cause you a good night’s sleep as long they get their act together, eventually.

  1. The Snoop

The peeper is always looking out for what’s going on in the neighborhood. The peeper is usually an older person; someone who is retired and has plenty of time on their hands. They know all there is to know about you. From the time you leave your house and when you return. They know who drops by and what for. They simply have no respect for privacy whatsoever.

  1. The Excessively Friendly

Friendly neighbors can be a blessing but there is such a thing as too friendly. They have good intentions in mind and maybe would do anything for you, but they can be irritating. The excessively friendly neighbor likes to drop by all the time and loves to tell you everything that is going on in their life. Even if you give them hints that you’re not interested, they still ramble on with their mundane stories.

  1. The Tattletale

The tattletale knows all the rules and takes pleasure in enforcing them. They go to great lengths to stop any rule breaking whether it concerns them or not. They will even exaggerate the situation to gain sympathy and support at the same time making your life miserable.

  1. The Party Animal

The only time you can appreciate this type of neighbor is if you’re a party animal too. They think that every night is Saturday night which gives them a right to party boisterously. You can be sure that your next door neighbors are party animals by the thumping bass, constant stream of visitors and overflow of liquor.

  1. The Psycho

This neighbor tends to avoid any social contact. They keep their blinds shut and the only time you’ll see them is when they’re peering through the window. You get chills when you pass by their door and when you do greet them, all you get is a cold stare.

  1. The Hoarder

Avoid these neighbors at all cost. They make it a point to make living in your home unpleasant with the stench and sight of garbage. The junk from their homes typically overflows everywhere, even at their doorstep. The inside of their homes are filled with piles of garbage, rotting food, and probably dead rodents.

  1. The Bully

This type of neighbor’s only mindset is to annoy and dominate you in every way possible. They believe they are always right and will not hesitate to pick a fight if you think otherwise.

  1. The Noisy Neighbor

We’ve all come across this type of neighbor at least once in our lives. They talk loud, have cranky and noisy kids and turn up their music systems to a deafening level. The irritating part is the raucous happens at the oddest hours. People can handle a little noise every now and then but the noise they throw at you gets too loud that you can’t concentrate on what you’re doing.

  1. The Loud Fighters

These neighbors always fight out loud, so loud that so all the people nearby know what the cause of their fights are. It’s as if they don’t value privacy and can’t seem to keep personal matters to themselves.

  1. The ‘Too Exotic’ Pet Lover

It’s okay to have neighbors who have a hedgehog or an African grey parrot but imagine yourself one day waking up next to a python. You’d probably be shrieking in fear and running for your life. Most people love animals, but when the neighbor’s dog keeps barking all night long, you know that something needs to be done. Exotic animals can get pretty dangerous and may cause a lot of trouble when they get loose.

  1. The Adventurous Chef

What’s that putrid smell seeping in your living room? Hey, it’s the adventurous chef and he just made his favorite specialty: a durian-balut-Limburger cheese bouillabaisse! This type of neighbor will really challenge your olfactory system, not to mention your nerves.

  1. The Wi-fi Connection Parasite

Nearly everyone these days has a Wi-Fi router set up in their home which means keeping it secured is essential. The Wi-fi Connection Parasite loves to get internet connection for free and they’re skillful enough to do so. They have hacks on hand and they’re not afraid to use it since it’s nearly impossible to detect.

  1. The Newspaper/Magazine Bandit

Beware! This neighbor is always on the lookout for the delivery of your latest subscription to Time Magazine or Cosmo. This bandit prowls on everything that is delivered at the front of your door. Better keep an eye out.

  1. The Parking Space Hog

Parking can be a real source of altercation, especially in dense, crowded neighborhoods. This type of neighbor usually takes up two parking spots instead of the allotted space or just parks inconsiderately.

  1. The Heavy-Footed

No, it’s not Godzilla. It’s just your heavy-footed neighbor thumping in the middle of the night. This type of neighbor consistently bothers you from above because of all the needless stomping. It sounds like a herd of cattle running back and forth from one end of the apartment to the other.

You should always try to work out any problems with your neighbors before lodging an official complaint to the building admin. Don’t forget to consider your own behavior as a neighbor as well.

If you plan to move to a new home, you may browse our condo units for rent for options.

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